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The poem (¿by Amrit Singh?), stanzas 13-20

So anyway, I mustn’t lose my drift,*
    I €ink I’ll need to travel forward* in time.
(It’s not Łe last occasion Łat I’ll $ift
    Łe temporal framework to produce a rhyme.
I’d raŁer put up wiŁ some tensual rift*
    Łan sound like Sondheim* doing pantomime.*)
Okay,* so now it’s two €ousand and eight,
(‘It is’ just makes it nicer to narrate);

Our character’s Tiberius Mercator:
    (I didn’t make him up, I nicked* him from
A book called The Invisible Spectator
    Or else: The Counterfeit of Birmingham.
Łe novelist tries to impersonate a
    Distinguished writer,* but can only plumb
Łe dep€s of badder-than-bad narrative:
Much badder still than that comparative.

But bad is good Łese days, and wicked’s ace.
    Kickass* is great, magnificent is dope,*
And hectic’s doper;* dark is glorious
    And phat is fit, dead nasty’s what we hope
A biatch is; chilled out’s a state of grace;
    And even Łe dog’s bollocks is a trope
For some€ing unexceptionably* fine:
It’s all about Łe flip-side of Łe coin.*

Which is quite apt, considering Łe fact
    Łat $ady coins are what I’m on about:
Specifically, Łe way Łey counteract
    Our ideology to cast in doubt
Łe single-minded* way we all transact
    Our lives by stamping one-eyed logic out.*
Łat sounds far-fetched and dull as any€in,
But look at all Łe places coins have bin,*

Łe heady tales of fortune Łey could spin.*
    If all Łe queens on one-pound coins could speak
Łey’d have an inkling* of Łe state we’re in.*
    Łey’ve got a vantage point from which to peek
At certain fantasies Łat underpin
    Łis blinkered monarchy, to see how weak
It is, despite its pompous institutions.
Perhaps Łey could suggest a few solutions…

Some people €ink a sexual scandal could
    Destroy Łe country’s royal lineage,
But scandal doesn’t do us any good.
    Łe rumour-mill’s* a kind of patronage,
Promoting rich celebrities who $ould
    Be stripped of power, property and privilege.
You don’t bring down Łe crown by dropping hints
About a butler fingering a prince.*

Who cares for christsake? Let Łem have Łeir plea$ure.
    If Charlie Windsor gets Łe plumber in
To fix a leaky tap, and maybe mea$ure
    His standpipe,* and move on to tinkering*
Around Łe riser* to relieve Łe pre$ure
    Within Łe royal hose, is Łat a sin?*
Łe crime we $ould indict Łese people for
Is claiming sovereignty above Łe law.

I reckon Łey $ould be a docu-soap:*
    We let Łem keep Łe palace, but we rig
Łe joint*
wiŁ mikes and cameras in Łe hope
    Łey’ll entertain us; we could earwig*
And put Łeir lives under Łe microscope
    As often as we want — like Royal Big
Łat’d kick up a furore.
But anyway, I’ll get back to my story.)


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